Jon M. Huntsman School of Business

learn about the latest and greatest from the School of Business

Friday, November 19, 2010

Internship Programs Update

The internship office has been pretty busy this past month. We’ve recently been working hard to develop opportunities with organizations such as IM Flash Technologies, Senator Hatch’s office, and Wasatch Property Management. We’ve also had companies like Target, Wal-Mart, and JC Penny visit the campus to talk about opportunities within their organizations. Both Krystn and Joseph, along with several other great Career Professionals, were able to facilitate lectures to the Great Work, Great Career class last month, and we were all very impressed to see students focused on getting a head start developing their careers.

We are currently focusing on signing up students to participate in the internship course for Spring 2011. We’d like to remind students that if they are currently in a job with business related responsibilities, they may be able to use it for internship credit. Many students have used the internship course as a chance gain more responsibility and experience within their own job.

An internship is a great way to enhance your academic career by getting professional experience while attending school. More and more employers are looking for graduates with more than just a good education behind them. They want students that can hit the ground running. From here on out we would like to highlight different stories from students and companies and their success with internships. Feel free to share some of your own as well.

Students can set an appointment with Krystn Clark or Joseph Banks in BUS 309 to see if their job qualifies and sign up to get academic credit, or, if they are distance students, they can sign up at They can also contact us with any questions at 435-797-2272.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Huntsman Marketing Association chosen to co-promote comedian Brian Regan!

As a student of the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business, I was encouraged to take ownership of my education. This led me to many different clubs and organizations across the campus, but one of the best opportunities I have had has been a project through the Huntsman Marketing Association. Today I was able to participate in a phone conference with Troy Oldham, HMA’s advisor, and Matt Leishman, a fellow Aggie and now the marketing assistant for United Concerts. In this phone conference we discussed how HMA could help co-promote comedian Brian Regan, who is coming to Logan on February 18-19. With the success of ticket sales so far, both Friday night and Saturday afternoon have less than 50 seats left; they have added a third show Saturday night. When they asked for our help, I thought they were desperate to fill seats, but it’s the opposite. The Ellen Eccles Theater seats over 1000 and it is already half full! United Concerts and Brian Regan are not looking for cheap labor to sell seats, but are giving Utah State students a chance to get real hands on experience in their preferred career. This just proves how willing the community and faculty members are to invest in the education of Utah State students. I have already started to see the benefits. It’s amazing the types of opportunities you will find in the Huntsman school when students get involved.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Steve Neelemen guest speaker

GSS lunch & lecture series presents guest speaker Steve Neelemen to speak November 23rd at 12:30 p.m. in the library auditorium. Steve Neelemen is the CEO of HealthEquity. Come learn how to use your education to be successful in your career. FREE pizza and drinks will be provided.

Stephen Neeleman